Monday, July 31, 2006

Lincoln Road Apple Store Opening : The Video

Lincoln Road Apple Store in Miami : The Video

Friday, July 21, 2006

Lincoln Road Apple Store Opening in Miami: The Giveaway

Pictures of the shirt and box it came had to be one of the first 1000 people to enter the store...luckily i got in just before they ran out

Lincoln Road Apple Store Opening in Miami: Inside

Genius every apple store
DJ for the opening day
gosh is it packed
ahh sexy macbooks on dislpay

Lincoln Road Apple Store Opening in Miami: The Line

The white macbook
The black macbook
Apple at night
Anticipating the people
Here they are!
Lots of people were there
look at that line

Lincoln Road Apple Store Opening in Miami: Outside

Top of the store From afar The apple
Front of store